Siebel pspp
Siebel pspp

siebel pspp
  1. Siebel pspp plus#
  2. Siebel pspp psp#

One of the parameter of this signal is “RowScope” and has the value ’All’. The “Reprice All” command raises the “CalculatePriceAll” Signal. By using the “Reprice All” command (in the menu items in most of the Quote/Order Line Item Applets) Now at this point there is only one to way to see these changes in effect. You would of course need to add the finishing touch such as updating the following other steps (same logic as before): This step will make the workflow compare the aggregate quantity of a product with its associated volume discount rule.Ħ.

Siebel pspp plus#

Use the “Row Set Transformation Toolkit” Business Service with Method: “Row Set Look-Up Transform” and add all typical Arguments plus these: Input Argument Create a new step (somewhere before the Volume Discount steps).

siebel pspp

The “Aggregated Row Set” will contains the following lines: Product Idģ. The “Row Set” Row Set contains the following lines: Product Id Aggregate the quantity of all products with the same Product Id.Create a new Row Set (Aggregated Row Set) that contains unique product Ids.

siebel pspp

Use the “Row Set Transformation Toolkit” Business Service with Method: “Aggregate Transform” and add all typical Arguments plus these: Input Argument Create a new step (before step: “Split Service Products”). Create a Process Property called, say, Aggregated Row Set.Ģ. We will trick the workflow so the quantity checked against the volume discount rule will include all Line Items of the same product.ġ. The steps for volume discount calculations include a check on the quantity of a product to see if it qualifies for the discount. We will modify workflow: “Dynamic Pricing Procedure” (or workflow: “Pricing Procedure – Default”, if you prefer or if you don’t have the Dynamic Pricing license.)

Siebel pspp psp#

Note : You will need to familiar to the Siebel PSP architecture (Signal, Variable maps PSP workflows…) in order to understand the modifications. Since price calculations are done in Workflows and Business Services, we can change them. Volume Discount should be calculated based on all instances of the same product (Quantity aggregation).įortunately the PSP architecture shipped with Siebel 7.8 and above introduces a new pricing engine. with some customers this could be a debate and some would prefer to change this behaviour: We have seen in the Volume Discount article that this type of discount works line item by line item.

Siebel pspp